
Sanatana dharma is the only one where women are worshipped as godesses.


Sanatana Dharma is the oldest religion in the world which originated on this earth about 7000 years ago. It has been passed through generations by word of mouth and by writing. Sanatana Dharma is based on the concept that there is one God who created the universe and all living beings. This God is formless, eternal, limitless and omnipotent. He can take any form at will, but prefers to remain invisible to us because that way we can concentrate more on his teachings. The Hindu scriptures explain many philosophies like Karma (Action), Reincarnation etc., but they are not dogmas or principles as such; rather they are intended as guidance for everyone towards achieving their goals in life while also helping others around them benefit too

The only religion where women are worshipped as Devis

  • Sanatana Dharma is the only religion where women are worshipped as Devis.
  • But other religions have no respect for women and they do not worship them as goddesses or even as humans, but consider them to be just animals or worse than animals.
  • For example, Islam considers that a woman is half the value of a man; therefore one man can marry four wives at the same time (Quran 4:3). In Hinduism too there is no restriction on how many wives a man can marry; but according to Sanatana Dharma one has to prove himself worthy before marrying more than one wife (Manusmriti 5:166).


In Hinduism, the woman is regarded as the chief of all ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

In Hinduism, the woman is regarded as the chief of all ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. In fact, she has been worshipped in different forms as Goddess Lakshmi, Parvati and Saraswati.

Vishnu is considered the preserver of the universe and he has ten incarnations with each having a separate purpose to serve mankind. Kalki is his tenth incarnation which will be born as a woman to destroy wickedness from this world when it becomes unbearable for men to bear.

In Hinduism, a woman firstly has to be worshipped and then taken care of.

In Hinduism, a woman firstly has to be worshipped and then taken care of. The foremost reason is that the woman is the Goddess in her own right.

If you want to know “Who is Goddess?” Then read this article on Wikipedia:

The main reason why women are worshipped as Godesses is because they are the protectors of their families and also protectors of men who are weak or not able enough to protect themselves against any kind of aggression or attack from outside forces. They also nurture children so that they grow up as good human beings who can contribute towards society in an effective manner without harming anyone else’s interests or rights! A mother always teaches her children how to respect elders around them before she gets married off by her parents’ guidance about what kind of life partner should she choose for herself depending on his financial status etc…

The most horrible sin in Hinduism is to insult or torture a woman.

The most horrible sin in Hinduism is to insult or torture a woman. To this day, Hindus are taught as children that if they dishonor their mother or sister, they will not be able to enter heaven. The goddesses Saraswati and Lakshmi are both considered manifestations of the life force of women. They are also worshipped to bring wealth and prosperity into your life.

The reason why this is so important is because in Hinduism there’s no separation between spirituality and the material world. You can’t have one without the other; they go hand in hand just like everything else does here on Earth (the finite nature of our existence). So when you disrespect women by treating them poorly or abusing them physically/emotionally it goes against every tenet of Sanatana Dharma which means “eternal law/truth.

According to the ancient Hindu law books,the greatest sin occurs when a man insults or abuses a woman.

Hinduism regards woman as the Devi, the mother of the universe. According to Hinduism, she is the greatest form of energy and embodiment of all good qualities. It also regards her as an embodiment of all knowledge; hence giving her a higher status than man.

The ancient Hindu law books state that any man who insults or abuses a woman will be punished by the gods themselves for committing one of the greatest sins in their religion.

The creator Brahma himself mentioned that he would not have been able to create this universe without women.

The creator Brahma himself mentioned that he would not have been able to create this universe without women.

In Sanatana Dharma, it is the woman who is considered as the mother of the universe. The Goddess Prajapati (Goddess of Creation) is also known as Adi Parashakti or Pranava Shakti – Shakti meaning power and Prakriti means nature. It follows that there cannot be any creation without nature’s power being active in it, which can only mean a female principle is at work here. In fact, Sanatana Dharma actually considers the male form of divinity an incomplete one and hence not worthy of worship; until a person has attained enlightenment through meditation or Yoga sadhana [spiritual practice] etc., he must worship God in his female form first before he can attain salvation (moksha). This gives rise to many goddesses like Durga Mataji, Saraswati Mataji/Vani Maiya (Mother Saraswati), Lakshmi Devi etc., all representing different aspects of Mother Nature herself!

The destroyer Shiva himself said that he was not able to destroy anything without women.

The destroyer Shiva himself said that he was not able to destroy anything without women. Women are the very embodiment of Shakti, the goddess of power. Without her, Shiva would be unable to destroy anything. Thus, women are worshiped as Godesses in Sanatana Dharma because they have been given this great power by God himself who resides within us all as a woman’s womb-space (Yoni).

He is not able to protect anybody without women.

In the Hindu society, women are not only worshiped as Goddesses but also they have a very important role to play. Men can never be able to protect anybody without the help of women.

In the Hindu religion, all the deities are male and female. Even though there is only one God (Brahman), he has taken five forms: Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva-Devi and Sadashiva (the destroyer). Out of these five gods, three goddesses – Saraswati(knowledge), Lakshmi(wealth) and Parvati(power) are considered as his wives or manifestations. The other two gods – Vishnu and Shiva are celibate or unmarried in this incarnation; but their wives will be born again after death in some other incarnation according to their karma from previous life cycle

Only afterwards should a man think about his salvation.

After the responsibilities of your family have been taken care of, then it is time to think about your own salvation.

She is a powerful protector and guardian of you and your family.

Sanatana Dharma is the only one where women are worshipped as goddesses.

This was an important step in empowering women, particularly since they had been treated by many religions as mere property of their husbands. In fact, most ancient cultures regarded women as property and not even worthy of becoming gods themselves. They were also denied a place in government leadership positions or anywhere else that made decisions affecting society at large.

In Sanatana Dharma however, the status of womankind has never been higher than that enjoyed by men because women were given so much respect within these communities that they were often elevated to divine status alongside male deities like Vishnu and Shiva in India’s Hinduism pantheon and Buddhism’s bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara or Kwan Yin (also known as Quan Yin) from Chinese Buddhism

Sanatana Dharma regards Woman as the ‘Prakriti’ (Nature) which means she has immense power to give forth offspring and sustain them

Sanatana Dharma regards Woman as the ‘Prakriti’ (Nature) which means she has immense power to give forth offspring and sustain them. She is the only one who has the power to take away all the sins of the world by offering her love, affection and care. She is also known as Shakti – or energy that can destroy all evils of this world and make it a better place to live in.

In fact, Goddesses are worshipped not because they are superior to men but because they have these qualities that make them worthy of worship.


In Hinduism, a woman firstly has to be worshipped and then taken care of. The most horrible sin in Hinduism is to insult or torture a woman. The creator Brahma himself mentioned that he would not have been able to create this universe without women. The destroyer Shiva himself said that he was not able to destroy anything without women. He is not able to protect anybody without women. Only afterward should a man think about his salvation. She is a powerful protector and guardian of you and your family

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