Deceitful Christian Conversion?

Deceitful Christian Conversion?

One of our page fan from Southern India sent me this photograph of the church (right) and asked me that if we are trying to create awareness about Sanskriti then what are we doing to protest against this “plagiarism” of Sanskriti in order to destroy it. First of all I was a bit shocked and surprised at the extent of Missionaries approach to handle conversion in India, but when I think and look back at the missionary track record and their history it doesn’t surprise me much. Apparently there is much more going on in South and North East India and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Now my question to all of you is:

Do you think it is okay to assimilate local beliefs in order to spread the word of “GOD” and to convert? And, do you think it is okay to accept this in order to co-exist?

Please share your thoughts on this very serious topic…

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